12 Effective Tips for the Maintenance of Electric Vehicle Batteries

EV car in workshop for its battery maintenance

This blog post will provide you with 12 effective tips for the maintenance of electric vehicle batteries

Whether it is your office, home, or daily appliances that you use in your home, need maintenance. In the same way, when you drive or use your electric car, it needs maintenance. Maintenance increases the lifespan of electric vehicle’s batteries. One of the advantages of an electric vehicle is that it needs less maintenance than traditional vehicles. For this, there should be regular check-ups of electric parts to increase their longevity. 

To see better tomorrow, with a quick wink, switch to electric vehicles. Automobile companies are focusing on developing recycled batteries that protect the environment from being hazardous. Automobile

Companies are launching new models with new features to attract customers to buy them. Many people are switching to electric vehicles as the EV market shows continuing growth. EV is still a growing sector, so the day is not far when more EVs will be on the road than traditional vehicles. 

Difference Between Traditional Vehicles and Electric Vehicles

Let’s understand the difference between an internal combustion vehicle and an electric vehicle that would clear your doubt why to switch to electric vehicles:

  1. If you have a traditional car, you must be aware of its maintenance cost. You need to spend a large amount on maintenance of the traditional vehicle, but an electric vehicle needs a very small amount for it. 
  2. Conventional vehicles have numerous parts to be maintained. There are fewer moving parts to maintain in electric vehicles so its maintenance becomes easy.
  3. Internal Combustion Engine is the power mover in traditional vehicles but in electric vehicles; electric motor is considered the main power mover.
  4. Fuel is used in traditional vehicles has high power density, but power source is low in electric vehicles.
  5. Traditional vehicles emit harmful gases that have hazardous effects on our environment, but electric vehicles are eco-friendly.
  6. The electric motor that is used in electric vehicles is considered 80% sufficient but the engine in Internal Combustion Engine is only 30% sufficient.
  7. Electric vehicles are free from noise and air pollution but traditional produce both air and noise pollution.

Below are the 12 Effective Tips for the Maintenance of Electric Vehicle Batteries

EV car and battery

Maintenance and safety of electric vehicle batteries are of utmost important to prolong the life of EV batteries. If you go through the differences, it would be clear that there are many positive reasons to switch to electric vehicles. But only switch to electric vehicle is not enough, you need to take care of EV components properly. EV is quiet, comfortable and economical. Battery, tyres, brakes, coolant, etc. are vital parts of electric vehicles.

Before we dig deep into electric vehicles, let’s discuss the 12 Effective Tips for the Maintenance of Electric Vehicle Batteries

1. Check the Battery at Regular Intervals

A battery is considered a vital component of an electric vehicle and to keep your electric vehicle battery safe should be on priority. So, its maintenance is also important to increase its life. Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle or traditional vehicle uses fuel to run car on the road, but electric vehicle runs on battery. The battery is used to store the energy.

Whatever recommendation has been given by the manufacturer to maintain the batteries, we should follow them. The foremost tip is that your battery should neither be charged nor discharged 100% as it reduces its capacity. Try not to expose your electric car for a long period to immensely low or high temperatures.

Keeping electric car’s battery healthy is essential. Keeping a battery healthy signifies that it can accumulate more power and directly gives to driving range. Although the life of battery runs for a long time period, it can be up to twenty years when there is need of replacing battery, yet its life can be up to it if its maintenance is followed carefully.

To sustain the battery of an electric vehicle during monsoon season, you should check the battery pack and electrical connections and if you find any leakage, call the mechanic immediately. This will help you you keep you electric vehicle battery safe.

2. Look After the Tyres

The main part that keeps on contact between the car and the road’s surface is ‘the tyre’. They face the bumpy road. To extend the life of tyres, you should follow tyre rotation. Rotating tyres manage tear and wear in them. It is a simple and easy process to improve the performance of the vehicles. While driving speedily or using acceleration and braking, more pressure is put on the front tyres and cause leading to deformation or tread damage. Tyre rotation manages this tread damage. There should be minimum pressure on the front and rear tires to prolong their lives.

If you usually carry heavy loads in your vehicle or drive speedily, you should frequently check tyre rotation, tire balancing, and tyre pressure. One thing that is similar to Internal Combustion engines and electric vehicles is ‘tyres’.

3. Coolant

To cool down the heat of the battery, coolant is required in electric vehicles. Coolants exist in traditional vehicles too but they are used to cool down the engine. The Thermal Management System is a tool that is

used to monitor the overall temperature and maintain the cooling method. It is a safeguard against the heat loss. Expert technicians should check the cooling level timely to increase the efficiency and keep it hale and hearty. You can call a technician if you find any leakage in the coolant.

4. Keep an Eye on Brakes

When you are driving an EV and stop quickly, it puts pressure on break paddle and slows down the wheels. A regenerating braking system uses the energy and transfers it to the battery pack. It improves the car’s range and expands the lifespan of the brakes. Regenerative brakes are more durable compared to traditional vehicles. You should take care that the braking system should be properly oiled.

Brake discs, Pads, rotors, and brake fluids need to be changed timely. The maintenance and cleaning of the brakes must be done under the supervision of an expert technician. 

5. Heart of Your EV is  Motor

The motor is considered the heart of your electric car. There is no doubt that EVs have fewer parts than traditional vehicles, and those fewer parts also require maintenance now and then. When there is no friction between any parts of the motor, it does not need any lubricant. 

If there is any problem with your electric car, you are advised not to try to resolve it yourself, as it may be dangerous. Always call the expert technician to resolve such issues.

6. Replacement of Cabin Air Filter

Maintenance and safety of electric vehicle batteries is crucial. Electric Vehicle comprises cabin air filter and its purpose is to remove the harmful particles and dust from the air that you breathe in the car and let it go inside the cabin via an AC vent. If the cabin air filter works well, the air conditioning system will smoothly work. 

7. Protect Your Vehicle Against Extreme Temperature

If you have parked your vehicle in extreme hot and cold weather, it can harm your vehicle so it should be covered. Electric vehicle requires special care during the monsoon season as moisture can create short-circuit so wiring and cabling should be checked during the rainy season. It will help you to keep your electric vehicle battery safe.

During the rainy season, you should protect your charger from being wet. Charging equipment is handled with care. Suppose you have a portable charger, either do not use it in monsoon season or cover it to stop any hazardous situation. 

8. Lubrication and Oiling

Although there is no question about changing the oil in electric vehicles, yet you need to maintain windshield washer fluid, brake fluid transmission fluid, etc. Lubrication and oiling reduce the harshness of the vehicle and increase their life.

9. Sleep Mode

Many electric vehicles have the facility to keep it in sleep mode. It switches off the vehicles and protects it from being damaged or drained. When the vehicle is not in use for a long time, you can disconnect the battery.

10. Keep Checking Other Parts

You should keep checking other accessories like AC, charger, power battery, fluids, etc. to maintain them. Electric vehicles have sensitive components, so avoid driving through deep water as it can harm the internal parts of the car. If you find any area waterlogged, avoid driving in that area. Till then you can either wait or choose the other way to move on. 

11. Clean the Under Carriage

When you drive your electric car, all kinds of particles and dust from the road accumulate under your EV. Being an owner of your electric car, you are expected to get it cleaned at least twice a year. It will enhance the performance and range of your EV. 

12. Give Your EV a Regularly Run

Electric vehicle battery and its maintenance plays vital role in enhancing the life span of batteries. EVs need running regularly to keep its battery health. Take your car for short and regular trip helps in maintaining its health for a long time period.

To avoid any challenges related to EV maintenance, you should maintain a checklist like every six months, you need to check the battery connection and wiring, and every twelve months tyre rotation and filter, etc. are to be checked. After covering the distance of 24,000km, check the windshield wiper. You can change the cabin air filter after the car runs of 32,000 km and on top of that brake fluid and coolant should be replaced after three years. 

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To maintain the electric vehicles and their parts, owner should follow the healthy tips to keep the EV in shape. The vital components of electric engine may suffer if you do not follow their regular maintenance. The maintenance increases not only the longevity but also the life of EVs and their components. It is suggested to maintain the EV health, adoption of given tips can be beneficial. Fortunately keeping the EVs in a good shape is a quite simple, requiring alertness, and a little bit efforts.

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