Public or DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Public or DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Public or DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations uses fast charging. Like AC chargers, Public or DC chargers do not require an onboard charger to convert the voltage and directly convert direct current in the charging station only, and this saves time. DC chargers need high voltage than AC chargers so they take less time to charge any electric vehicle. DC chargers are more efficient than AC chargers and their charging curve is in zigzag way.

450 plus voltage is required for DC chargers so such chargers are suitable for highways or a big open area. In the case of high voltage, the use of an AC charger can be harmful, better to use a DC charger when it supports high voltage. The use of a DC charger for long trips is favored. 

Driving electric cars can be a new experience for us. For every new thing, we explore a lot to know more about it. Then only we become acquainted with it. In the case of electric cars also, we should search to know what new is there in electric cars. To clear all your doubts, we will discuss the Public Charging Station that is used to charge the batteries of electric vehicles. As its name indicates, these are the charger that can be used publicly by anyone.

Public or DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Commercial EV Chargers

In this rapidly moving time, more people are upgrading themselves with electric vehicles and they want charging stations too wherever they go so that they may easily charge their vehicle. For this, they need charging infrastructure where EVs can be installed efficiently. 

In the coming time, there would be more electric vehicles than internal combustion engine vehicles and this business would create more job opportunities.  

Where Public or DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations can be installed?


DC charging stations are the best to be installed on highways as they require spacious places where all the setup may be done properly. If you plan to go for a long trip, and the charging of your electric car is full. Even then there is a possibility that you need to recharge your battery. In such cases, we can get our car recharged with DC chargers. To find the nearest charging stations, we can download the app, on our mobile, which would be helpful for us to find charging stations. 

Shopping Centers

As soon as the market for EVs is expanding, the demand for EV chargers is also increasing. A shopping center is a place where several people come for shopping so DC charging stations can also be installed here. Till their vehicle gets charged, they can shop around during that period.

When electric car owners come to know that there is a charging station near a particular shopping mall, they prefer to go there and get the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. This can even remove the range anxiety of electric car owners. Installing DC charging stations at shopping centers can be very fruitful. 

Such shopping centers become the outing destination for the people where they dwell for a long period and charging stations owner take advantage of it.   


Airports can also be a good place to install DC charging stations. In making a sustainable and green environment, airports prefer to provide this amenity to customers. If anyone comes to pick up or drop someone off at the airport, then the availability of DC charging stations can reduce their stress if the charging of the electric car is running down.

Fast technology and a distinctive combination of energy storage can increase the power output of charging stations. Power storage at airports reduces its cost and makes it cheaper in comparison to traditional vehicles. DC charging stations seem to be valuable and reliable.

Government Offices

First of all, DC charging stations ensure a safe future as they make our environment clean. When they are near our workplaces, it becomes icing on the cake. Getting their electric vehicle charged with a DC charger is a good opportunity for those who do not have a public charger at home. It not only motivates employees but also shows government initiatives in the field of electric vehicles.

 It even shows that government takes care of its employee and tries to give comfort too and it is also a part of their business. This facility even makes their life easy and protects them from anxiety. Availability of fleet charging also increases revenue and it reduces the cost of maintenance. 


Because of the lack of a charging station, installing a DC charging station at a restaurant open premises is a good option. Eating out is a way that everyone enjoys and the accessibility of charging stations at such places would increase the customer.

The customer who goes out for dining (any celebration, get-together, business meeting, etc), spends two to three hours, till then he can put his electric vehicle on a charge if it has lack charging and he will not have to go to another place to his vehicle recharged. DC Chargers are fast and they charge the car in 25-30 minutes, however charging time also depends on the capacity of battery.

Challenges in installing Public or DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Whenever we plan to set up a business, before that we should consider the pros and cons of it that needs proper planning, management, and execution. In the same way, when we plan to install DC charging stations, there might be some issues that we would have to face, as discussed below:


DC charging Stations are more expensive and this is the biggest challenge that one may face while planning to install a DC charging station. They need a good amount to invest. The reason behind that is the use of high-quality wire and software is needed for it and on top of that its technology is more advanced than to AC charging station.

Its cost also depends on the size, layout of the station as well as power connectivity. Besides, its maintenance is also costly that varies accordingly. If any components or ports get damaged, it is more expensive to change them however as soon as there would be more DC charging stations in the coming year, their cost would also slow down.


Like an AC charger, we cannot carry a DC charger with us to charge our vehicle if we go anywhere for a trip, and all because it has a heavy converter that might not be safe to have with us. DC charging stations even need a good space to install all complex spare parts as they cannot be installed at home. 

Increases load on the usage of electricity

When we think to save our environment or protect it from harmful gases; we plan to switch on to electric vehicles. Of course, it would protect our environment however have you ever thought that it would increase the load on electricity? For DC charging stations, we require a high-power connection.

Transformers are used to manage the level of voltage and increase the efficiency of power. When the flows of electric current increases, transformers act as a safety device and stop current flow which prevents the occurrence of any damage. 

Lack of a one-type charger

There is not one charging connector that can fit into every electric vehicle. The EV charging stations are required to have all types of connectors to charge any EV electric vehicle. CCS and CHAdeMO are the standard connectors for DC fast charging stations. 

Lack of fire safeguards equipment

Installing safeguard equipment should be mandatory because a lack of safeguard equipment can create problems for anyone. For this, the surroundings of the EV charging station should be clean. Cables and wiring should be checked carefully. Safety measures should be checked regularly to know whether they are functioning well or not. 

Facilities of Public or DC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Please find the below facilities provided by DC charging stations:

High charging speed

High charging speed is the biggest facility of DC charging stations. To drive the car 100 miles, a DC charger takes approx fifteen to twenty minutes to charge the batteries but it depends on the batteries’ size too. For long-run trips, DC chargers are considered the best choice. DC chargers are bigger than AC chargers so they require good space to install.

For those people who are always in a hurry and want their work to be done quickly, a DC charger can be the best option for them. It even improves the battery life and manages efficiently. 

As soon as the temperature flies up, it affects the battery of electric vehicles as it does not work properly under hot weather. Electron produces under high temperature and it slows down the battery. Although electric cars get charged in hot and cold temperatures, yet extreme heat and cold should be avoided as it decreases the capacity of the battery.

Saves time

As we have already mentioned that DC chargers are high in speed, which saves time. Everyone is busy in his life and they lack time to complete his task so for them, a DC charger seems to be a perfect choice to get their electric vehicle charged soon. Suppose you are going to a business meeting, and in the mid of the way, you realize that the battery of your car is low and you need to recharge it immediately otherwise you will be late for a meeting. In this situation, you can be ready to pay more for your convenience so that it would be recharged soon.  

Make customers happy

For those people, who want to protect the environment from harmful gas that emits the cars which run through petrol, an electric car can be a good alternative. EVs make the buyer happy with good speed, high quality, and new technology.

While charging our electric vehicle with a DC charging station, we should take care when our battery is 80% charged; we should unplug it as it increases the life of the battery. There are many apps that we can download on our mobile and they help us to know the status of our battery. 

Demand for the latest technology

A Meter Collar Adaptor (MCA) is the latest technology of EV charging stations that are used to save charging stations from any electric failure. If the main electoral panel is not upgraded, even then with the use of this technology, power is provided to charging stations.  

Supports bidirectional charging

As its name indicates, it charges your vehicle in two ways. With the help of a Bidirectional charger car’s DC energy can be changed into AC and pass it to another recipient. This process requires smart technology which can manage when the car needs or return energy. It saves energy and money. If you are running with low power, it can provide you backup charging with peace of mind.  

Suitable for long distances

DC fast chargers are suitable for long trips using a battery electric vehicle that stores the energy in a battery and we do not need to get our car charged again and again. DC chargers directly supply power to the battery of a car, and they need a transformer for it. Electric vehicle contributes to making a less polluting future. DC fast charging stations are in demand, especially in metropolitan cities where people have more work and less time.  

Helps in recovering economy

Electric vehicles can help in the recovery of the economy with the renewable energy sources that are produced with the help of solar panels. In addition, manufacturer of electric vehicles projects to create millions of jobs in the coming year which would also be helpful to boost India’s economy.  

As soon as we are moving into the time of electric vehicles, everyone must be aware of the new technology of DC charging stations which can be helpful for EV buyers.   


Briefly, it can be stated that rising momentum in the EV market demands more chargers on the road. DC chargers are hoped to grow significantly in the future as they are compatible with all electric vehicles and provide superior comfort and protection to vehicles. Many DC chargers are required to facilitate the speedy acquisition of electric vehicles. 

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